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Thursday, February 4, 2010

How To Feel Confident

You might have already read and learned how to be confident, but what if you still don't feel all thatconfident? Sometimes it takes your emotions a little bit of time to catch up with your thoughts, but here's how to help the process along.
Emotions are involuntary. Hence feeling diffident is autonomic activity. But it can be overcome by certain steps. This article will tell you how to become more confident in yourself.


  1. 1
    Take a public speaking course. You might dread getting up in front of people, but there's no better way to jump start your confidence than by assuring yourself that you've got something to say, and people are listening.

  2. 2
    Change up your look. Whether you're male or female, getting a new outfit and haircut can make you feel fresh, cool and confident.

  3. 3
    Pretend that you are already confident. If you've ever wanted to be an actor, use that motivation now. You may know you're capable and competent, yet you may feel rather insecure, but bypretending that you're already confident, you might be able to convince yourself. Ask yourself, what would my confident alter ego do? How would they walk? How would they speak? Practice!

  4. 4
    Find some affirmations that will help you and repeat them often to yourself.

  5. 5
    Affirmations are very powerful and need to be spoken as though they have already happened. Say to yourself, "I am a very confident person, I can do anything if I put my mind to it."

  6. 6
    Visualize yourself being congratulated on something you dream to achieve. Imagine the person shaking your hand and saying, "Well done." Hold a picture of you being successful, and chances are, it'll eventually become a reality.

  7. 7
    Every evening just before you go to bed, think to yourself at least ten times, "I am a confident person." This leaves a positive frame of mind inside of you and will make you feel more confident the next day.


  • Smile and relax; there's nothing that needs to be worried about.
  • Don't feel that your audience is expecting a lot from you.
  • Assume yourself equal to everyone in the audience.
  • Volunteer important works in your organization, this is how you can earn people's respect and become more confident.
  • ALWAYS be honest and believe in yourself. If you don't no one else will.
  • Don't underestimate yourself just because you're younger or smaller.
  • If anybody puts you down or makes fun of you, think it through and how silly the comment is. Make it feel like it's a joke and you won't take the comment seriously.
  • Not feeling confident is sometimes associated with a petty intellectual paradigm that stimulates our autonomic nervous activity which in turn affects our feelings of self-worth. This paradigm can be overcome and you can blossom from within by studying and re-evaluating yourself. [Cf: Smiling Sun: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar]


  • It is not correct to get obsessed and depressed by "Not feeling confident". Anyone can gain confidence.
  • Blind belief and fanatic disposition can make one feel confident. But that can be disasterous.
  • Hence rather than making frantic efforts to "somehow feel confident" explore and care for your true self. Your true self is noble and dignified. Exploring and caring for your true self will ensure revitalization and the natural and full fledged emergence of feeling of confidence [Cf: Stress: Understanding and Management: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar]
  • Don't be mean and put other people down to grow your own confidence, afterall you wouldnt want to be put down yourself and people will start to dislike you.
  • Be yourself! Nobody likes a poser dont try to be someone you're not just bring out your inner confidence it is there and it is you! Don't forget that!


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