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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Buah Sirsak Menyembuhkan Penyakit Kanker

Soursop, buah dari pohon Graviola adalah pembunuh alami sel kanker yang ajaib dengan 10.000 kali lebih kuat dari pada terapi kemo.

Tapi kenapa kita tidak tahu?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Film yang Paling Ditunggu-tunggu Tahun 2011 Versi This is Me My World

Hai para pembaca setia Blog This is Me My World yang freak banget dengan yang namanya movie ! Termasuk admin sendiri. hehe ^^

Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini, saya ingin membahas dan mengupas habis film-film yang sangat dinanti-nantikan atau ditunggu-tunggu pada tahun 2011. Semua List dibawah ini adalah versi This is Me My world Blog.

Silakan dinikmati ^^

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Watch The Social Network Movie Online

Part 3 : 20 NOVEMBER 2010

pulang ke kost..

cali : tar ke tempat nana dolo ya.
gw : ya uda (kirain anter balik)

tau2nya ke kostnya ambil kue..
huaaa,, jadi terharu lagi

mereka bilang : sebenarnya kami mo ngerayain ultah u. tapi karena keduluan ma bagian tandra dkk, ya uda deh, dipending ja d. haha.. sorry ya...

gw : ga tau mau jawab apa. cuma bisa bilang : ohhh.. haha.. thanks ya.
gw sempat tersentak juga sih, mereka ternyata peduli ma gw. mereka lebih deket ma gw sih.
gw kira mereka lupa dan pada ga mo rayain ultah gw. hiksss.. tau2nya mereka udah ada acara mo ngerjain gw juga.

ga tau dah musti speak apa.

ke kost cali selanjutnya ngerayain ultah gw. semua penghuni yg gw kenal pada keluaran. haha..
wishing, tiup lilin, makan2 kue deh.
dalam hati senangnyaaaaaaaaaa..
thanks god, gw ada temen2 kek mereka. ^^
setelah acara itu, kamipun pulang...

sampe dikost gw update status Fb lagi ngucapin special thanks to mereka semua. haha =D

capek uda, tidur d. hahaha..

Dari semuanya gw bisa review dan ambil kesimpulan sendiri. hahaha *ga perlu dijelasin disini lah ya*

Part 2 : 20 NOVEMBER 2010

hari ini musti ngapain ya ? belajar persiapan ujian ? atau main laptop aja? haduhh.. rayain ultah gw gak ya ? makan2 gt... haduh... musti dipikir2 nih..

kalo mo dirayain undang siapa ja ya ? n makan dimana ?

pertanyaan2 yg nampaknya sepele tapi sangat susah di jawab...

Ya uda, tar aja dipikir..

maen laptop ampe jam 3 belajar juga sih..
ya uda deh, rayain, undang ini itu ini itu.. blablabla.. sms ini itu blablabla.. *sibuk bgt lah hari ini*
sms tandra : tandra tar bisa ikut gak makan2 di TA ? haha
tandra : ok
gw : tapi bawa kado yah ? hahah LOL
tandra : tenang bro...

sms suhi (salah satu temen deket gw)
gw : oi, tar bisa ke TA ? kira2 jam 5.30 la
dia gak ada respon sms gw. *panas juga sih, abis dah nunggu lama, gak dibales2*
gw sms lagi, sama gak juga di jawab.

gw dah mo telp dia, eh dianya telp duluan
suhi : ndi,
gw : gw langsung nyela, oi, gw sms gak dibales2..
suhi : uda, ada. tapi keknya gak masuk ya ?
gw : ia nih, haduh hp gw rusak lagi nih.. jadi gimana bisa dateng gak ?
suhi : haduh, ga bisa nih, ada acara gw di vihara.
gw : (dalam hati) wew.. kecewa merajalela
suhi : sorry ya.. soalnya disuruh ke vihara bantu2..
gw : yahhh.. (mau gimana lagi) ya uda deh
suhi : sorry ya.. HBD
gw : ok. thanks..

intinya gw kecewa banget !! udah 2 temen deket biasa dikampus gak bakalan dateng ke acara ultah gw.
rasanya mau gw bubarin ja acara ni. ckckkckcc
ya uda deh, mau gimana lagi...

jam 5:50 pm

Jun, erwin, tandra dateng...
tau2nya eh, tanda emang bawa kado.. jadi terharu gw.. *yg lain ga bawa, dia doank*
emang temen baik nih *dalam hati bilang*

kumpullah di indomaret. nunggu yg lain dateng.

disana jumpa temen gw. gw undang dia sih sebelumnya via ym., tapi dianya nolak, bilang ga bisa, ada acara juga. ya uda. gw kira penting kan atau apa lah. tau2nya ketemu di indomaret. dia bilang apa ?
gw : hoii, disini u ya. kemana u ? *rame bgt dah suasananya*
dia : mau berenang
gw : (dalam hati) gubrak , dalam hati panas juga sih. ni anak ternyata lebih mentingin berenang daripada ultah gw. padahal dia temen deket gw tiap hari dikampus.
temen gw yg lain tiba2 bilang : wuihh si stifen, lebih mentingin berenang daripada temen. parahhhhh *dengan eksplisitnya

gw : (dalam hati) wew, tuh kata2 gw tuh yg mustinya gw ucapin ke dia

ya uda, dia pun berangkat juga ke medit mo berenang.
kamipun siap2 mau ke TA
pake taxi

di TA...

makan pa ya ? pada sewot nanya2.. hahaa
gw jawab : kantin nani lol
tandra jawab : di aka aja yuk..
wkww.. pokoknya canda2lah
tapi akhirnya keliling2 pusing juga mo makan dimana akhirnya makan di noodle cafe ^^
lumayan mahal sih, tapi gpp lah sekali sekali.
total yg hadir 10 orang. wah, bakalan abis banyak duid nih..

makan2 lah, pada pesen mie semua, ya iya lahhhhh.. kan namanya juga noodle cafe. hahaha

makan2 foto2..

setelah tuh ada rencana mo karaoke sih..
lanjut karaoke deh, dimulai dengan lagu happy birthday.. hahaha
seru2an deh, ampe suara serak2.. haha
lagu penutup juga oke, selamat ulang tahun - jamrud. hoho

oia, cc ada ucapin HBD juga tuh, adek gw juga, mama juga, huaaaa.. thanks ya semua. miss u all..

karaoke 2 jam. liat jem uda jam 11 lebih, mal udah sepi. pulang deh kami...

Part 1 : 20 November 2010

Bagi gw, hari itu adalah hari terindah buat gw. Hari itu merupakan hari dimana gw dapat berpikir kembali kemasa lalu, membuatku mereview setiap kejadian-kejadian yang pernah gw alamin sampai saat ini. Yah, hari itu merupakan sejarah lahirnya gw ke bumi ini dengan kata lain hari itu adalah hari jadi gw.

"Tik Tak Tik Tak" Bunyi keyboard masih kedengaran kuat. Entah apa yang gw lakukan sebelum hari itu ( malam menjelang tanggal 20 ) Nampaknya gw masih asik-asik surfing di dunia maya.Tau sih, tau kalo besok gw ultah, malah lagi deg2an nunggu wall (ucapan ultah) dari temen2 gw di FB. 

ahh, masih terlalu sepi. Dalam hati bergulat " ah... mana adalah yg tau u ultah besok, dan sok2 sebelum hari H udah kasi ucapan, bla bla bla... nampaknya ultah tahun ni bakal sepi deh, gak ada lagi yg lemparin telor, blablabla.. ga kayak tahun dulu.. emang sih lagi ujian. jadi keknya pada sibuk ngapal slide2 yg penuh dengan bibit2 stress. hahaha.. Udah lah, mending tidur aja.

Kedengeran bunyi khas yang sangat sering gw denger, yg ngebuat gw langsung menatap layar laptop.
yah, inilah suara buzz YM yang dikirim tandra salah satu temen gw. hahaha..

gw : Napa tan ?
tandra : mau main capsa ? *maen kartu* wkwkw
gw : haduh, males tan... ga deh keknya
tandra : yah.. maen la. kan refreshing..
gw : gak tan.. males gw. uda capek. haha
tandra : gak bales lagi... *maen kabor*

 Haduh, laper nih, makan dolo ah.. *keluar makan deh (YM appear offline)

 Pulang kost...

Tiba2 dilayar ada ym lagi..
siapa lagi sih.
owh si erwin. napain lagi coba ?

erwin : buzz (yg ga gw tanggepin) hahaa
gw : ya win, knp ? *tau aja gw lagi online*
erwin : ia nih akhir2 ni feeling gw kuat
gw : lol, knp win?
erwin : tuh, si tandra ajak maen capsa. maen yok..
gw : (wew diajak lagi ya udah deh *terpakasa* ) ohh.. ya uda. dimana ?
erwin : kata tandra ke tempat gw aja
gw : oke lah.. skrng ya.. ga bisa lama2
erwin : ya ya..

Beberapa menit kemudian...

Tandra tiba2 nongol di kost gw.
tandra : yuk, skrng
gw : oke
tandra : jemput stifen dolo ya
gw : iye2, terserah. haha

Jalanlah kami ke kost erwin...

Di kost erwin, kami biasalah maen capsa. gw ga da feeling apa2 sih sebelumnya. soalnya gw merasa mereka pasti gak tau kalo gw beosk ultah. huammm... maen2 deh disana. gak jelas ampe jam 11an lah..
tiba2 mereka maen ngunci gw dikamar.

grrr.. mulai curiga nih. gw minta dibukain pintu. mau pulang alesan sakit perut. hahahaa
tetep aja ga boleh. *tahiks haha

berdiamlah gw di kamarnya sambil maen2 juga sih. sampe jam 12 lewat, tiba2 jadi rame ja tu kostan.
wew.. gw dipegang, dijaga, ga boleh lepas. dihadang ma org2 berbadan gede. hahaha.. jadi ga berkutik deh gw >.< pasrah dah.. *uda tau mau dikerjain*

Langsung aja gw diiket pake tali di pagar deket kostannya erwin. langsung dah acara siram menyiram, lempar telor. oles kopi ke muka gw. ckckckc..sampe kopinya ada masuk ke hidung gw *banyak lagi* grrrrrrrr..

ahhh.. pasrah deh. emang la anak2 tuh.. hahhaa

setelah puas mengerjain gw, akhirnya ada acara tiup lilin juga, make a wish.
gw kaget aja, ternyata biang dibalik semua ini adalah Raymond Satria Darmawan.
pantes tadi sore aneh2 tanya temen 1 kost ma gw siapa namanya, trus pake pinjem hp gw lagi. *belum curiga apa2 sih*

ternyata dia ada nitip kue ma temen gw dan kasi tau kalo gw ultah hari ni.

Owh.. ternyata begitu. semua jelas. jelas banget.
dugaan gw gak salah. gw bener. mereka (temen2 gw itu) satupun sebenarnya gak tau kalo gw hari itu ultah.
mereka cuma daped info dari raymond.
ckckckck.. trus bisa sih ngerjain gw pake telor segala macamnya, 

tapi gw sempet ada sedikit kecewa juga sih ma mereka. *sorry i can't write it here*

Ya uda, gw pulang mandi, keramas. biar bersih lagi.
kembali deh gw ke sono lagi buat ngujang lagi lanjot maen capsa. haha

rencana mau ntraktir mereka sih. tapi...
2 orang dari mereka uda balik.
gw sempat kecewa, ga ada kabar ga ada bilang mo pulang ato sms kek.
ya uda deh. biarlah..

maen2 kartu deh..
sampe pesen 2 martabak mie, gw traktir.. hahaa

ya uda jam uda nunjukin jam 2 lebih. saatnya pulang *untung besok ga da uts, haha*

dijalan, gw sempat bertanya dalam hati *seems as usual, didn't very excited*

udah lah, pulang.. tidur. hahaa
kue raymond belum gw makan...
uda capek bgt..

Friday, November 26, 2010

Dapatkan CD Gratis Taylor swift "Speak Now"

Kemarin gw iseng2 searching di web tentang lagu-lagu barunya Taylor Swift. Ehh, malah ketemu ma info quiz ini. Setelah dibaca2, ternyata oke juga tuh. Lumayankan bisa dapet CD gratis Taylor Swift  Terbaru yang bernama "Speak Now". Gw ikutan deh quiznya. hahaha.. Semoga beruntung deh gw. Haha.. =D

Pokoknya dialbum itu bagus-bagus deh lagunya. Yang paling gw demen tuh ya, lagu "Mine", "Speak Now", "Sparks Fly" dan masih banyak deh, tuh yang gw tulis yang recommendednya. hahaha.. 

Mau dapet CD gartis Taylor Swift Juga ? Ayo baca infonya berikut ini...

Universal Music Indonesia & presents 25 CD Taylor Swift “Speak Now” Quiz!
Taylor Swift kembali menjadi pilihan Artist of The Month Creative Disc di bulan November ini. Kini Taylor siap menggebrak dengan album ketiganya ‘Speak Now’.
Pengen tahu gimana album “Speak Now” ini? Baca reviewnya disini
Baca juga album keduanya “Fearless” disini
Pengen ngedapatin CD Taylor Swift “Speak Now” ini? Caranya, email ke dgn subject CD SpeakNow, yg isinya:
1. Nama, Umur, Alamat Lengkap berikut No. Telp.
2. Buatlah puisi / surat / ungkapan cinta kamu dengan memakai setidaknya 3 judul lagu Taylor Swift, bisa dengan bahasa Indonesia / Inggris.
Cuma 2 pertanyaan yang mudah dan tinggal kamu email jawabannya ke kita, paling lambat tgl 30 Nov 10 pk. 24.00. Nanti kita akan pilih 25 pemenang yg beruntung!

Special Thanks to Eja, Pondra & Universal Music Indonesia! 

Nah, sudah baca info lengkapnya ? Tertarik ikutan ?

Sumber :

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Download Taylor Swift Mp3 - Mine Featured with Mine Lyric


Taylor Swift: Mine Lyrics

Songwriters: Swift, Taylor;
Uh, uh, uh oh
Uh, uh, uh oh

You were in college working part time waiting tables
Left a small town, never looked back
I was a flight risk with the fear of fallin'
Wonderin' why we bother with love if it never lasts

Monday, October 25, 2010

Penampakan Tuhan oleh Google Street View

BERN - Fenomena aneh dan langka berhasil direkam oleh Google Street View. Layanan pencitraan digital tersebut menangkap gambar yang diklaim sebagai penampakan Tuhan.

Kiamat Ditunda !!!

CALIFORNIA - Sebuah mitos naskah kuno bangsa Suku Maya menyebutkan dunia akan berakhir pada 21 Desember 2012. Namun, teori itu dibantah oleh seorang ilmuwan yang menyebutkan, terdapat salah persepsi di naskah tersebut, yang ujungnya kiamat bukan terjadi di 2012.

Temukan Bug, Bocah 12 Tahun Dapat Rp26 Juta

SAN FRANSISCO - Mozilla memberikan hadiah kepada, Alex Miller, seorang bocah berusia 12 tahun asal Amerika Serikat senilai USD3.000 atau sekira Rp26 Juta. Miller merupakan bocah yang berhasil menemukan bug pada borwser besutan  Mozilla, Firefox.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sorry, Men ARE More Brainy than Woman...and More Stupid Too!

By Professor Richard Lynn - Baroness Susan Greenfield is one of Britain's best-known female scientists; she's a professor of neurophysiology at the University of Oxford, a former director of the Royal Institution and an accomplished writer and broadcaster on scientific matters.
So when she very publicly bemoans the lack of women reaching the higher echelons of the scientific establishment, people tend to sit up and take notice.
In a newspaper article last month, she expressed her concern that only ten per cent of science professors in this country are women.
Her comments struck a chord, attracting a host of comments agreeing that women scientists were generally getting a raw deal.
This raises an important and controversial question. Is there really a glass ceiling holding back the careers of talented female scientists? Have decades of anti-sexual discrimination legislation really counted for nothing in the laboratories of Britain?
Or might there be another explanation for why we find such a marked shortage of women, not just in the highest levels of science but in big business, the professions, and politics, too?
It is my contention - based on a lifetime of academic research - that there is an explanation and I advance it all too aware of the howls of feminist outrage I am about to unleash.
So, here goes: one of the main reasons why there are not more female science professors or chief executives or Cabinet ministers is that, on average, men are more intelligent than women.
Nor do the shocks to the noisy advocates of equal opportunities stop there, I'm afraid.
For not only is the average man more intelligent than the average woman but also a clear and rather startling imbalance emerges between the sexes at the high levels of intelligence that the most demanding jobs require.
For instance, at the near-genius level (an IQ of 145), brilliant men outnumber brilliant women by 8 to one. That's statistics, not sexism.
In this context, Professor Greenfield's indignation that only one in ten science professors is female doesn't seem all that bad. It also goes some way to explaining why, in almost 110 years of Nobel Prize history, only two women have ever won the Prize for physics, only four have won the Prize for chemistry and why no women at all have ever won the coveted Fields Medal for mathematics in eight decades of trying.
In recent years, the forces of political correctness have made the reporting of this sort of statistic virtually impossible.
Yet as a psychologist who has dedicated his career to the study of intelligence - and, in particular, to how it differs between the sexes - I can tell you that in my academic circles these IQ figures are barely disputed.
Ever since the Frenchman Alfred Binet devised the first intelligence test in 1905, study after study has confirmed the same result. When it comes to IQ, men and women - at least once they've gained adulthood - simply are not equal.
Boys and girls may start out with the same IQ but by 16 or so boys are starting to inch ahead. The ever-growing success of girls at GCSE, A-level and now at university would seem to refute this - but the blame lies with our exam system, with its emphasis on coursework, which rewards diligence more than it does intelligence.
The undeniable, easily measurable fact remains that, by the time both sexes reach 21, men, on average, score five IQ points higher than women.
Before discussing how and why this might be, I ought to explain what psychologists mean by intelligence. It's made up of a range of cognitive abilities that include reasoning, problem-solving, spatial ability, general knowledge and memory.
In all of these, men outperform women - although women hold their own when it comes to verbal reasoning and have a definite edge in foreign language skills and spelling.
We must look to the field of evolutionary psychology for an explanation of why men have emerged as the more intelligent sex.
As the hunter part of a hunter-gatherer society, men were faced with complex, life-threatening problems that needed solving on a daily basis. For example, how to kill that elusive deer?
The hunters that used all their mental capabilities to come up with the answers, successfully killing animals day after day, were clearly the most intelligent.
They were the high-status males of their day and - provocative as it is to say so - must have possessed far sharper minds than those of women engaged in the relatively simple tasks of gathering berries and raising children.
These high-status males would also have been the most eligible mates, and it would be their genes - chief among which would be those controlling male brain size - that would be passed on to the next generation.
The result is that men today still have physically bigger brains than women, even after adjustments for their different-body size. Might this underpin the five-point difference in IQ between the sexes?
Of course, in normal daily life, there's not much real difference between a man with an IQ of 105 and a woman with an IQ of
100. The real difference only emerges as we rise up the IQ scale to the sort of level that the really top jobs require and as we drop lower down the scale - because men, as it turns out, have a much wider range of intelligence than women.
As a result, there are not only far more men with high IQs than there are women, but there are also, as I'm sure any woman would tell you, far more stupid men around than there are stupid women.
There is, as yet, no simple or, indeed, totally convincing explanation as to why this is, but while the abundance of stupid men has always caused social problems, it is the relative abundance of highly intelligent men that has caused problems for several generations of emancipated, liberated, ambitious women.
As a result, when these women get close to the top, they are simply out-numbered by highly intelligent and often ruthlessly ambitious men.
As our hunter-gatherer example has already suggested, men and women have also evolved different kinds of intelligence.
The demands of hunting - devising tactics and strategies, anticipating likely outcomes - favoured the development of reasoning, together with mathematical and spatial abilities, which is why, thousands of years later, men continue to be overrepresented in fields such as maths and physics.
However, when it comes to verbal intelligence, women match men because, in our hunter-gatherer past, women needed verbal abilities to negotiate their relationships with both men and women and to teach and socialise their children.
This explains why they are every bit as successful as men at writing novels, say, or even newspaper columns. Their superior foreign language skills explain why if you walk into a university language lecture theatre, you won't find many men.
But there's another reason why, at the very highest and most demanding of levels in society, men have a natural advantage - and it's one we've seen in countless natural history TV documentaries.
Take, for example, the case of rutting stags or fighting chimps and you get the generally aggressive idea. Thanks to high levels of the male sex hormone testosterone, men are far more competitive and motivated for success than women.
For a man - at least as far as his hormone system is concerned - succeeding, competing and beating his rivals is very much still a matter of life and death.
Consequently, ambitious, high-achieving men typically work harder, compete more aggressively and become totally immersed in their careers, while even the most high-achieving women will often admit to finding themselves distracted by their genetically preconditioned aptitude for nurture and support.
For them, it is often a question of what to get for supper, or whether the children have got clean shirts for school. These are small distractions, admittedly, but at the very highest level they have an effect.
As an academic, it's my job to tell the truth, to explain the scientific evidence before us, irrespective of how unfashionable my conclusions are.
Big ideas such as Galileo's theory that Earth revolved around the Sun, rather than vice versa, or Darwin's theory of evolution, met with vociferous opposition when first advanced.
And, certainly, the ideas I've laid out here have already got some highly respected people into very serious trouble.
In 2005, the distinguished economist Lawrence Summers was forced to resign as President of Harvard University after expressing the view, at a seminar on diversity in the academic workplace, that in some fields the innate cognitive differences between the sexes might make the search for a perfect 50:50 gender balance impossible.
He didn't accept that the lack of women at senior level was all due to glass ceilings, anti-social hours or lack of opportunity and encouragement.
Instead, he went with what the science is clearly telling us - that at the really top level in maths and science, when we're not dealing with average intelligence but near genius, there are simply more men around who can do the job.
For that simple statement of truth, he was eventually forced out of his post.I take some comfort from the fact that Lawrence Summers' hormonally-driven male competitive instincts kicked in and he has now bounced back to become a senior economic adviser to President Obama.
But what if he and I are right - as I am 100 per cent convinced we are? If men are innately better at certain subjects than women, then why should society struggle so hard - and so expensively - to try to engineer a perfect balance between the sexes?
By all means, take steps to ensure that boys and girls get the same opportunities in education, but let's also accept that those same opportunities will not produce the same outcomes. Men will always outnumber women in certain fields and vice versa.
My argument isn't based on crude chauvinist doctrine (although I'm quite sure my opponents will disagree) but on decades of research, relatively simple statistics and an understanding of the law of averages.
Of course, just because men, on average, are more intelligent then women, doesn't mean there are no individually brilliant women around.
If I'm right, it doesn't mean there will be no female professors of physics; it just means we should accept that there will be fewer of them. Nor does it mean that a woman will never win the Fields Medal for mathematics; it just means that we live in a world where such an event is very, very unlikely.
I realise my views are unfashionable, just as I realise the juggernaut of sexual equality and political correctness will take an awful lot of stopping.
But I say to the social engineers who dream up ever-more-ingenious ways of getting more women into top positions; don't be surprised if you find your nobly motivated ambitions foundering on the immovable rock of human nature.
Professor Richard Lynn is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Ulster.

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A romantic drama centered on two new lovers : 

Tyler, whose parents have split in the wake of his brother\'s suicide, and Ally, who lives each day to the fullest since witnessing her mother's murder.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Download Iron Man 2 (2010) Movie For Free



Watch How To Train Your Dragon (2010) Movie Online Here

How To Train Your Dragon (2010) DVDRip.XviD


Plot :

A hapless young Viking who aspires to hunt dragons becomes the unlikely friend of a young dragon himself, and learns there may be more to the creatures than he assumed...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

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Free Watch Iron Man 2 Movie Online Here

Plot : Iron Man 2 is directed by Jon Favreau. It is full of action, adventures and graphical motions. The plot of the movie moves around Tony Stark who is the main protagonist. He reveals his identity as a plain man to the world and comes under heat from the United States Government demanding to hand over his Iron Man suit. Jim Rhodes, Tony's close friend, helps him confront the Government abets with Stark's rival, Justin Hammer to replicate the technological invention. On the other side, eccentric and treacherous antagonist emerges in Ivan Vanko. He creates a swap and powerful qualities “Whiplash” in order to take strict vengeance on the Stark family. It is not long before when he joins hands in gloves with mallet in an effort to ruin Iron Man. With the arrival of his shady supporter Scarlett Johansson and persistent recruitment endeavors from Nick Fury, Tony Stark needs all the help he can get in order to conquer the impediments. Watch Iron Man 2 video and enjoy!

Iron Man 2 movie is Directed By : 
Jon Favreau

Starring : Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Mickey Rourke, Samuel L. Jackson, Paul Bettany, Sam Rockwell, Don Cheadle, Gwyneth Paltrow, Olivia Munn, Jon Favreau, Leslie Bibb, Kate Mara, Helena Mattsson, Stan Lee, John Slattery, Clark Gregg, Garry Shandling, Jack White, Gina Cantrell, Natalina Maggio, Tim Guinee, Anya Monzikova, Ted Alderman, Davin Ransom, Grace Stanley, Jennifer D. Johnson, Ayelet Ben-Shahar, Keith Middlebrook, Alejandro Patino, Eric L. Haney, Cassity Atkins


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